7:00 am
Mitch Jeserich, Free Speech Radio News Washington Correspondent, on The Year that Was and the Year to Come.
7:30 am
Rosita Arvigo and Nadine Epstein, authors of Spiritual Bathing: Healing Rituals and Traditions from Around the World.
8:00 am
Elizabeth George, author of Write Away: One Novelist’s Approach to
Fiction and the Writing Life.
8:30 am
The Earthquake and Tsunami in Indonesia. Sylvia Tiwon, Associate Professor of South East Asian Studies.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 7:33
Artist: Russell Gunn
Title: Blue in Green
Album: Ethnomusicology vol. 4
Label: Justin-Time
Time: 8:09
Artist: Russell Gunn
Title: Blue in Green
Album: Ethnomusicology vol. 4
Label: Justin-Time