7:00 am
The Bush administration and the environment.
Leo O’Brien, Director of Waterkeepers Northern California; Stacey Gonzalez, childproofing campaign coordinator for the Center for Health, Environment and Justice.
7:30 am
Fiscal sanity for adults in the time of holiday shopping mania. Janice King, counselor with Consumer Credit Counseling.
8:00 am
Special hour-long focus on relations between Blacks and Latinos
Nicolas Vaca, author of The Presumed Alliance: The
Unspoken Conflict Between Latinos & Blacks & What It Means
for America.
8:30 am
Blacks and Latinos: a panel discussion. Salim Muwakkil, senior editor of In These Times; Carlos Munoz, professor of Chicano Studies at UC Berkeley;
Luz Alvarez Martinez, executive director of National Latina Health.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Anton Schwartz
Title: Winter Wonderland
Album: Holiday Time
Label: AntonJazz