7:00 am
Troop Escalation in Iraq. Carl Conetta, co-director of Project on Defense Alternatives.
7:23 am
An open letter to George Bush from Cindy Sheehan of Military
Families Speak Out. She wrote this the day after the election. You can
contact her at [email protected].
7:30 am
Gar Alperovitz, author of America Beyond Capitalism: Reclaiming
Our Wealth, Our Liberty and Our Democracy.
8:00 am
Film with Reyna Cowan. "Guerrilla: The Taking of Patty Hearst
Alive in Limbo". "Weapons of Mass Deception."
8:30 am
Pugilist Specialist, a critically-acclaimed play about the U.S.
Military in Iraq. Adriano Shaplin, writer, actor and director with The Riot Group in "Pugilist Specialist" at Magic Theatre through December 19.
www.magictheatre.org; 415-441-8822
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Hiromi Uehara
Title: Desert on the Moon
Album: Brain
Label: Telarc
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist: Karsh Kale
Title: One Step Beyond
Album: A Global Rhythm Magazine Series/ Edge of the World
Label: Global Rhythm