7:00 am
Nuclear Proliferation in Iran. Ervand Abrahamian, Professor of Middle East History, Baruch College CUNY; Jackie Cabasso, executive director of the Western States Legal Foundation.
7:30 am
Mark Sichel, clinical social worker and author of Healing
from Family Rifts: 10 Steps to Finding Peace after Being Cut Off from a
Family Member; Dr. Leonard Felder, author of When Difficult Relatives Happen to Good People: Surviving Your Family and Keeping Your Sanity.
8:00 am
Crab Season. Zeke Grader, Director of Pacific Coast Federation of Fishermen’s Associations; Christopher DeWees, marine fisheries specialist with the Sea Grant program at UC Davis and author of article Racing for Crabs in most recent issue of California Agriculture.
8:30 am
Sports and Civility. Larry Salomon, professor of ethnic studies at San Francisco State University; Dave Newhouse, sports columnist, Oakland Tribune.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Greg Howe (Guitar Soloist)
Title: My Favorite Things
Album: A Guitar Supreme Giant Steps in Fusion Guitar
Label: Tone Center