President Bush names White House counsel Alberto Gonzalez to succeed Attorney General John Ashcroft. ..despite his role in drafting controversial aspects of the
government’s post 9-11 policies, Gonzalez is expected to win easy senate
U.S. forces claim they now control 70 percent of Fallujah — while car
bombings, kidnappings and fighting rages elsewhere in Iraq.
As Yasser Arafat inches closer towards death, Palestinian officials say
his funeral service will take place in Cairo, Egypt, followed by burial at
is Ramallah headquarters in the West Bank.
The ACLU and other groups sue over new rules requiring nonprofits who receive
designated donations from federal workers to check their employees names
against government lists of suspected terrorists.
Independent presidential candidate Ralph Nader asks for a recount of the
votes in New Hampshire. . .
1500 unionized northern California workers reach a contract agreement
with four hospitals including Seton medical center in Daly City and OConnor
in San Jose…they’re taking strike authorization votes at Sutter hospitals…