7:00 am
War on Fallujah, Passing of Arafat. Dilip Hiro, author of Secrets and Lies: Operation "Iraqi Freedom" and After: A Prelude to the Fall of U.S. Power in the Middle East?; Maha Abu-Dayyeh Shamas, Director of the Womens Center for Legal Aid and Counseling in Jerusalem and Human Rights activist.
7:30 am
David Bacon on Labor. Michael Casey, Unite Here Local 2, Hotel Workers Update; Mike Henneberry, Grocery Workers negotiations; Debate over Reconstitution of schools; Dennis Kelly, president of United Educators of SF; Michael Leahy, teacher at Sanchez Elementary; Mark Sanchez, school board member, SF.
8:00 am
3rd I presents, 2nd SF International South Asian Film Festival. Guests Parminda Nagra and Ivan Jaigirdar, Festival Director.
8:30 am
We the Planet Festival: Julia Butterfly Hill, Aya de Leon, www.wetheplanet.org.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Michelle Shocked
Title: When I Grow Up
Album: Short Sharp Shocked
Label: PolyGram Records
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist: The Roots
Title: Why (What’s Goin On?)
Album: The Tipping Point
Label: Geffen Records
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist: The Roots
Title: Don’t Say Nuthin
Album: The Tipping Point
Label: Geffen Records