The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – November 8, 2004

U.S. Troops launch a massive military offensive against Fallujah.. .the city’s main hospital is one of the first targets to be captured…

The Fallujah offensive brings a response in Baghdad where car bombs explode
outside two Baghdad churches and a hospital treating the victims…

In the wake of remaining questions about last week’s presidential election,
three Democratic representatives call for a thorough investigation by the
General Accounting Office…

Anti-abortion groups keep the heat on republican senator Arlen Specter who
said last week that the Senate would be unlikely to confirm a Supreme
Court justice who opposes the procedure… Specter’s in line to takeover the
Senate Judiciary Committee, which would hold hearings on the president’s
nominee to the court.

San Francisco Supervisors consider three measures designed to stem a wave of
tenant evictions..

San Francisco mayor Gavin Newsom announces that two old polluting power
plants long the target of environmental and community groups will be shut down
by the end of 2007

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