7:00 am
Yasir Arafat, Fallujah, and the US Election. Kamil Mahdi, Exeter Univ., professor of Middle East Economics, Lamis Andoni, independent journalist and analyst.
7:30 am
Karl Rove, James Moore, co-author of Bushs Brain, Wayne Madsen, sr. fellow, EPIC – Electronic Privacy Information Center, former National Security Agency advisor, freelance investigative journalist.
8:00 am
Festival of Funk. Ricky Vincent, host of the KPFA’s History of Funk (Fridays 10-midnight, Robert Kowal, director of the Funk Festival:
8:30 am
West Coast A Cappella Summit Nov. 6-7 in San Rafael, Kid Beyond, The Bobs: Amy Engelhardt, Matthew Stull, Richard Greene, Dan Schumacher.