7:00 am
What Happened? Larry Bensky, Pacifica’s National Affairs Correspondent. Matthew Rothchild, editor of The Progressive.
7:30 am
David Bacon — Labor reactions to the election results. Eliseo Medina, VP of Service Employees Union; Dolores Huerta, co-founder of UFW;
Art Pulaski, executive secretary of the California Labor Federation;
Stewart Acuff, organizing director of the AFL-CIO.
8:00 am
Swing state reports: Mitch Perry, reporter for WMNF in Tampa, Florida;
Christine Desser, co-director of Women’s Voices, Women’s Vote, presently in Ohio as an attorney with People for the American Way.
8:30 am
Tim Redmond, executive editor of the SF Bay Guardian; Ruth Wilson Gilmore, professor of African American Studies and Geography at USC.