7:00 am
The Nader Factor. Mitch Jesserich, Washington D.C. correspondent for Free Speech Radio News.
7:30 am
Women and the 2004 Vote. Latasha Brown, director of the Center for Citizen Participation, www.voterunlead.org www.counteveryvote2004.org. Kristen Rowe-Finkbeiner, author of The F Word: Feminism in Jeopardy: Women Politics, and the Future. www.dnet.org www.nwpcca.org
8:00 am
Election-related feature pieces from the KPFA News Department and Mumia Abu Jamal: Christopher Martinez on Proposition 71 stem cell research;
Krina Despota on San Francisco Supervisors District 9 race: Tom Ammiano is the incumbent; Krina Despota on San Francisco Supervisors District 5 race: Matt Gonzalezs seat; For people who cant vote: www.ctwo.org/poll Mumia Abu Jamal commentary on voting. www.prisonradio.org
8:30 am
BART Earthquake Safety Bond Measure AA. Lynette Sweet, BART director,
Ken Hambrick, chair of the Alliance for Contra Costa Taxpayers.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Enrico Pieranunzi
Title: Le Notti Di Cabiria
Album: Fellini Jazz
Label: Cam Production