7:00 am
Swing States Report, Florida on my Mind, What Could Go Wrong? Judith Browne, senior attorney with the Advancement Project in Washington DC www.advancementproject.org, Sharon Lettman, deputy national field director for People for the American Way www.electionprotection2004.org. 1-866-OUR-VOTE. Volunteers going to Swing States.
7:30 am
Bev Harris, Black Box Voting. Tammy Johnson, director, Race and Public Policy Program at the Applied Research Center in Oakland.
8:00 am
Measure Y in Oakland, "Violence Prevention and Public Safety Act, 2004"
Wilson Riles, "No" President of the Oakland Community Action Network, in studio, Nancy Nadel, "Yes" Oakland City Council Person,
8:30 am
Maryn McKenna, author of Beating Back the Devil: On the Front Lines with the Disease Detectives of the Epidemic Intelligence Service. (CD)
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion
Title: Preludio – Bach, Cello Suite No. 1
Album: Classic Meets Cuba
Label: Sony Music Entertainment
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist: Klazz Brothers & Cuba Percussion
Title: Afrolise – Beethoven, "Fur Elise"
Album: Classic Meets Cuba
Label: Sony Music Entertainment