The Morning Show

The Morning Show – October 13, 2004

7:00 am
Greg Palast, Producer of the BBC documentary "The Bush Family Fortune."

8:00 am
Evelyn C. White, author of Alice Walker: A Life.

Morning Show Segue Music:

Time: 1st Hour

Artist: Pathless

Title: Forecast

Album: Tribes of the Underground vol. 4

Label: INFRA Com

Time: 1st Hour

Artist: Rainer Truby Trio

Title: Galicia

Album: Tribes of the Underground vol. 4

Label: INFRA Com

Time: 2nd Hour

Artist: Guem & Zaka

Title: Le Serpent

Album: Tribes of the Underground vol. 4

Label: INFRA Com

Time: 2nd Hour

Artist: Guem & Zaka

Title: Wewa

Album: Intuit

Label: Compost

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