7:00 am
European reaction to the American Election. Roberto Festa, Radio Popolare, Italy, David Miller, Stirling Media Research Institute, Scotland.
7:30 am
Prop. 68, Non-Tribal Commercial Gambling Expansion. No on 68, Joely De la Torre, former chair of American Indian Studies at SF State, now assoc. prof. at Cal. State San Bernadino, vice chair of Native American
caucus for the Cal. Demo. Party, from Pechanga tribe. Yes on 68 Greg Larson, Dan Walters, political columnist for the Sac Bee, Prop. 70 Tribal Gaming Compacts. Exclusive Gaming Rights.
8:00 am
Ed Rosenthal: GreenAID, The Medical Marijuana Legal Defense and Education Fund (in studio) www.green-aid.com.
8:30 am
Gloria Steinem, founder of Ms. Magazine, feminist Icon. Womens Building 25th Anniversary Gala. Herbst Theater. www.womensbuilding.org
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Clara Sverner & Paulo Moura
Title: Monotonia
Album: Vou Vivendo
Label: Emi – Odeon