7:00 am
Governor Arnolds recent legislative decisions. Anthony York, editor of the newsletter Political Pulse.
7:30 am
Electronic Voting: Should We Be Worried? Bev Harris, executive director of Black Box Voting, Linda Schade, co-founder of the Campaign for Verifiable Voting in Maryland.
8:00 am
The Death Penalty in California: Too Flawed to Fix! Activist and Educational Conference. Cameron Sturdevant founding member of the Campaign to End the Death Penalty; Madison Hobley, Exonerated inmate and anti-death penalty activist from Illinois.
8:30 am
San Francisco Performances Celebrates 25th Anniversary.
Ruth Felt, founder and artistic director Frederica von Stade, legendary mezzo-soprano.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: George Cables
Title: Senorita De Aranjuez
Album: Looking For the Light
Label: Muse Records
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist: Teresa Cristina/ E Groupo Semente
Title: Sorri
Album: A Vida Me Fez Assim
Label: Deck Disk