7:00 am
Humanitarian Worker from Chechnya/Ingushetia, Russia: Zeynap Badieva
7:30 am
Prop. 63 Mental Health Services Expansion, Initiative
Rick Crispino. Guests Executive Director of Bonita House, residence facilities for people with mental illness and substance abuse problems
David Yow, and a spokesperson for No on 63 campaign
7:46 am
Prop. 67 Emergency Medical Services, Telephone Surcharge. Aimee Chitayat, Executive Director of the Community Clinic Consortium of Contra Cost, Daniel Zingale, spokes person for No on 67.
8:00 am
Estelle Frankel, author of Sacred Therapy: Jewish Spiritual Teachings, Emotional Healing and Inner Wholeness.
8:30 am
Courtly Art of the Ancient Maya. Palace of the Legion of Honor, San Francisco. Kathleen Barrin, curator, Mary Miller, Prof. Of Art History, Yale University.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Gilberto Gil
Title: Lingua Do Pe
Album: O Sol De Oslo
Label: Pau Brasil
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Ray Charles
Title: Halleujah I Love Her So
Album: Ray Charles: The Birth of Soul
Label: Atlantic Recordings
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist: Gilberto Gil
Title: Onde O Xaxado Ta
Album: O Sol De Oslo
Label: Pau Brasil