7:00 am
California Performance Review Hearing on the Environment. Brian Edwards-Tiekert, KPFA News Dept.
7:30 am
Proposition 72 Health Care Coverage Requirements Referendum. Yes: Jessica Rothar, Northern Calif. Organizer for Health Access California,
Possible guest on No: Heidi Finberg, president San Leandro Chamber of Commerce.
8:00 am
Reyna Cowan on film. Last Life in the Universe John Sayles, Silver City
8:30 am
Prophets Outcast. Adam Shatz, editor of PO and literary editor of Nation magazine, Gabriel Pieterberg, associate professor of history at UCLA, Sara Roy, senior research scholar at Harvard’s Center for Middle Eastern Studies.
Morning Show Segue Music:
Time: 1st hour
Artist: Thievery Corporation
Title: Transcendence
Album: Mystic Groove
Label: Quango
Time: 1st hour
Artist: MC Sultan
Title: Der Bauch
Album: Mystic Groove
Label: Quango
Time: 2nd Hour
Artist: Joseph Bacon
Title: Etude #7 (1929)
Album: Guitar Music of Villa-Lobos
Label: Mutable Music