7:00 am
The Big Tent Republicans. Patricia Williams, Law Professor at Columbia, regular columnist for the Nation magazine, and Jill Nelson, author of Sexual Healing, Straight, No Chaser and Volunteer Slavery.
7:30 am
James Moore, co-author of Bushs Brain: How Karl Rove Made George W. Bush Presidential, and John Nichols, author of Dick: The Man who is President.
8:00 am
Vini Beachem, KPFAs interim Program Coordinator, Spoke with Dame Edna.
8:20 am
Jennifer Stone with Stones Throw.
8:30 am
Billionaires for Bush, The Yes Men. Felonius Ax (aka Cliff Tasner), Minister of Musical Manipulation for B4B; Meg A. Bucks (aka Elissa Jiji), Richly-Upholstered Co-Chair, NYC Chapter.