A unanimous California Supreme Court rules that San Francisco’s Mayor
overstepped his authority by issuing same sex marriage licenses and by a 5
to 2 vote invalidates the nearly four thousand gay and lesbian marriages
performed in the city earlier this year.. .but it’s a narrow ruling and does
not resolve the question of whether the state constitution permits same
sex marriages
U.S. occupation forces unleash an offensive on the Mahdi army militia in the
holy city of Najaf with thousands of troops sealing off the cemetery, its
old city and a revered Shiite shrine ….. .the offensive sparks protests
throughout Iraq
A federal judge tells the Bush Administration to cough up documents about the
torture of prisoners at Iraq’s Abu Ghraib prison and other facilities ….civil rights groups have been waiting for the information for months
The San Joaquin Valley Air District suspends its authorization for a plastics
cracking plant in Hanford in Kings County… environmental justice activists
have been fighting the proposed facility
A transit advocacy group unveils its attempt to reform the Santa Clara
Valley tansportation authority
Hope for one million low-income public school students around the State