Independent vice presidential candidate Peter Camejo and Green Party supporters outline plans to get the Nader-Camejo ticket on the California ballot…
Militants kill one Bulgarian hostage in Iraq and vow to execute the second if
bulgaria fails to withdraw its troops. ..the Bush Administration chastises the
Philippines for saying it will withdrawi its contingent to save the life of a Filipino hostage. . .
On the eve of a potentially damaging British report on prewar intelligence,
Prime Minister Blair remains defiant, saying he made the right decision to
join the U.S. invasion of Iraq…
President Bush’s election year bid for a constitutional amendment banning
same sex marriage is headed towards a lopsided defeat on capitol hill…
New York representative Charles Rangel is arrested outside the Sudanese
embassy in a protest over the plight of refugees in Sudan
Four thousand registered California nurses reach agreement with eleven
hospitals belonging to Catholic Healthcare West…