Instructions for making a Stock Gift to KPFA Radio
Thank you for donating stock to KPFA! Our EIN number is 94-1347046. Please fill out the form below so we can accurately track your donation. After filling out this form, please email us at the contact below with the stock name and amount. You should then have your brokerage firm direct this document as follows.
Account Transfers Department
LPL Financial
4707 Executive Dr.
San Diego, CA 92121
For Credit to: Pacifica Foundation dba KPFA Radio
Account No: 3943-7769
DTC 0075
Please donate _______ shares of ____________ held under my name, ___________________________, with account no. ______________________ to KPFA Radio’s account at LPL Financial, LLC.
If you would like to be acknowledged for your stock donation and receive a charitable receipt, please provide your contact information below and email a copy to