September 2011 LSB Meeting Records


The next regular, in-person meeting of the KPFA Local Station Board will be:

Saturday, September 10
11 am – 4 pm

Please note:  Because the original venue for this Saturday’s LSB meeting was not fully accessible, the location has been changed to:

Berkeley Arts Festival Space
2133 University Ave (in downtown Berkeley, next to Berkeley ACE Hardware)

Parking may be difficult.  Walk, cycle, take public transit or carpool if possible.  Information on paid parking lots in the area can be found here:

Parking on campus and  in UC lots is also available. Pay at large yellow machines.

KPFA  LSB Meeting
Sept. 10, 2011 11am-4pm

Item # Time Item
1 Call to Order
2 10 Roll Call and Excusing of Absent Members
3 10 Approve Agenda
4 10 Approve Minutes
6 5 Announcements
7 15 iGM Report
8 30 Treasurer’s Report
9 50 Committee Reports:  PNB, Development Committee, Personnel, Outreach, Community Advisory Board, Staff Reports (CWA & UPSO)
10 5 KFCF Report
11 60 Old Business
     Open discussion on programming
     LSB show
     Program council
     iGM performance review  —  (Note: this item will be
discussed in executive session scheduled for 3pm)
12 30 New Business
13 Adjourn

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