KPFA Local Station Board Meeting (Public Portion)
Saturday, June 11, 2005, at 11:00 AM
Freight and Salvage Coffee House
1111 Addison Street, Berkeley, CA.
11:06AM: Meeting called to order
Present for all or part of the meeting: Howard Beeman, Mary Berg, Max Blanchet, Brian Edwards-Tiekert, Riva Enteen, Ted Friedman, Sherry Gendelman, Annie Hallatt, Chandra Hauptman, Mark Hernandez, Attila Nagy, Rosalinda Palacios, Sarv Randhawa, Willie Ratcliff, Fadi Saba, Bonnie Simmons, Debbie Speer (KFCF), Marnie Tattersall, Joe Wanzala, William Walker, LaVarn Williams. Roy Campanella (GM). Notes taken by Eric Klein.
Absent: Sepideh Khosrowjah, Eric Park, Richard Phelps, Lisa Rothman.
All absences excused.
Riva moves to extend public comment to 30 min to address violence in the station , and have the comment period allow for dialogue between board members and the public. Ted seconds.
Mark makes substitute motion to call for a town hall meeting within 90 days to discuss station issues, including workplace violence, labor relations and community relations. Seconded by Willie.
Sarv calls the question: 12 for, 4 against. PASSES. Debate ended.
Vote to make Mark’s motion the main motion: 12 for, 2 against. 1 abstention. PASSES
Brian calls the question on the main motion. PASSES without objection.
Vote to add Mark’s motion to the agenda: 14 for , 0 against, 2 abstentions. PASSES.
Mark moves to add to the agenda a public comment session prior to the adjournment of public session if there is time after we have conducted the business on the agenda. Joe seconds.
Sarv makes substitute motion to allow for additional public comment as needed.
MB: Point of Order: A motion to do what we already do is inappropriate. It’s always been our policy and practice to extend time as long as needed for all who sign up to speak.
Chair rules the motions out of order.
Sarv moves to approve agenda as amended. Seconded by Willie. Agenda approved without objection.
Riva pulls 2, 5 and 6 from the Consent Calendar.
Chandra: wants to add disability access resolution to Consent Calendar. There is one objection. The item is not added.
Consent Calendar approved as amended.
11:30am: APPROVAL OF MINUTES 3/19/05, 4/19/05 AND 5/21/05 (public portions)
March 19th minutes approved.
April 17th, approved
May 21st, approved
11:32am: GENERAL MANAGER’S REPORT (attached as addendum).
After ca. 10 minutes, GM invites questions and comments.
Max: The GovCom’s recommendation was to archive the audio of public meetings. Why did GM exclude the public comment section?
GM: His reservations revolve around issues of personal attack which could make the station liable to certain charges.
Riva: 4 questions, 2 from last meeting. 1- asked for a list of all consultants, what they do and what they’re paid; when can we see it? 2- Had asked about the legal expenses that were paid in the last year, and what the financial implications are. 3- What is the station doing about webcasting? 4- What is happening with shortfall? Are layoffs planned?
GM: Very open to dealing with each question. Suggests Riva get in touch with him Monday “and then we’ll get the answers to these questions and then we’ll share them with the rest of the board.”
Brian: Time exceeded, moves to move the agenda. 9 yes, 6 no. Fails to get 2/3 majority. The GM report continues.
GM: Doesn’t have the data at hand to accurately answer the first 2 questions. “Webcasting is a cost and we have to determine how we’ll handle that. Will have to talk to our webmistress about that.” Regarding the budget options, have to look at ways to increase revenues. There are a number of options to reducing expense; they need to be thoroughly explored and discussed, and some consensus reached, before any decisions can be made.
Joe: A reminder re CAB; at last meeting had asked GM to report on whether it has met, when it will be meeting. Public notice of meetings is required.
GM: After last meeting, contacted the CAB point person, Sekura Saunders, gave her the guidelines and the process for notification, etc. so now ball is in their court.
Rosalinda: Will speak with Sekura and make sure she puts out the announcements.
There are questions and discussion regarding programming of KPFB.
Chandra: Wants GM’s verbal assurance here that any proposals for KPFB will be brought to Program Council, as a duly elected decision-making body.
GM: The basic procedure will be followed and the Program Council will be able to play its role.
Chandra moves to ask the LSB to ratify a resolution passed by UPSO to protest violence in the KPFA workplace.
Chair: The item will be added as Item # 3 of New Business.
Riva: Can anyone provide documentation to show board can’t dialogue during public comment?
Mark: cites 1- policy and practice of the chair in 2004; 2- bylaws indicate public comment is for the public, not the boards.
12:01-12:31pm: PUBLIC COMMENT. 14 speakers.
12:31- 12:36 pm: BREAK for 5 min.
12:36 pm: Can’t reconvene, quorum not achieved.
4 documents:
1- budgetary wish list; 2- KPFA P&L 4/05; 3-KPFA forecast 4/05;
4- CONFIDENTIAL: KPFA personnel 4/05.
Max: Requests an organizational chart, to be issued quarterly .
Marnie: This is in progress.
Brian: Requests that budget contain a contingency plan if CPB funding cut.
Marnie: That is being done, is part of overall plan in the national Finance Committee.
Riva: Is parliamentarian in LSB budget, and how approved?
Marnie: It is; it was approved by Chair and Treasurer on emergency basis.
Chandra: Moves to extend public meeting time to 2:00. Fadi seconds.
Vote: 10 for, 8 against. Motion FAILS.
Bonnie moves to extend time to 1:30. Vote is 18 yes, 1 no. PASSES.
Fadi moves to budget $500 for catered food for the reception at KPFA 6/18. MARNIE seconds.
Brian moves to suspend the orders of the day to consider Fadi’s motion. Approved without objection. Discussion ensues.
1:30pm: Brian moves to lay motion on the table and recess for 5 minutes.
Vote is 10 yes, 7 no, 2 abstain. Motion PASSES.
1:35 pm: RECONVENE.
1:38 pm: Sherry moves to extend the meeting to item 10-1, Election of LSB reps to Program Council. Bonnie seconds.
Vote on Sherry’s motion: 8 yes, 9 no. FAILS.
Chandra moves to hold executive session 6/19 or 6/16, with teleconference capability.
Brian amends to strike 6/16 and hold executive session on 6/19 at 3:30pm. Discussion.
Vote is 7 yes, 10 no, 3 abstention. FAILS.
Mark moves to hold executive session June 16th at 7:00pm, with teleconference capability.
Vote is 6 yes, 9, no, 3 abstentions. FAILS.
Chair asks, shall we adjourn? 4 yes, 16 no. Public meeting continues.
Brian moves to have the matter of the June PNB meeting moved to an ad hoc planning committee chaired by Fadi. Fadi declines to chair. William seconds and volunteers to chair.
Brian amends original motion to add that the LSB authorize the committee to spend all money allocated ($500) to the reception.
Max further amends that whatever is spend on the reception be charged to the unspent amount in the LSB budget, not to exceed $1000. Fadi seconds. 18 for, 1 against. PASSES.
Vote on Brian’s motion, as amended by himself and Max, to authorize the expenditure of up to $1000 for the reception. 17 yes, 1 no. PASSES.
Chandra moves to nominate candidates today, postpone the election until meeting of LSB next month. Seconded. Discussion.
William calls the question. PASSES unanimously.
Vote to postpone election: 11 yes, 7 no, 1 abstention. PASSES .
NOMINATION FOR Program Council:
Chandra nominates JOE
Max nominates Sepideh
Ted nominates Richard
Joe nominates Atilla
Sarv nominates Annie and Bonnie
Bonnie nominates Sarv
Atilla nominates LaVarn (she declines)
2:38 pm: Brian moves to close nominations for Program Council. Seconded by Marnie.
15 yes , 5 no. PASSES.
LSB RADIO SHOW: Bonnie moves to form ad hoc committee composed of any interested persons to make LSB radio show better and properly scheduled and promoted. Brian seconds. Debate closed without objection.
Vote on BS’s motion; 18 yes, 0 no. 1 abstention. PASSES.
Sarv nominates Mark
LaVarn nominates Atilla
Brian moves to suspend the rules of order such that the ballots can be tabulated by Bonnie with Ted. 2/3 vote needed. PASSES 12 yes, 6 no.
Discussion as to whether PNB has voted to make it a committee.
Sarv moves to postpone until next meeting, when we can have information on status of the Archive group.
Vote: 11 yes, 0 no, 6 abstentions. Election postponed.
Bonnie announces Mark has 11 first-place votes, Atilla has 9. Mark is elected.
3:01pm: Sarv moves to adjourn public meeting. 13 yes, 6 no.
General Manager Report to the LSB June 11, 2005:
The following summarizes key financial, programming, and operational concerns since the last LSB meeting on May 21, 2005.
Spring Fund Drive
Our Spring Fund Drive started on Tuesday, May 10th, and ended at 10 AM on Friday, May 27th. It lasted approximately 17 days. We successfully surpassed our fund drive goal of $1,000,000; the total amount pledged was $1,021,430.57. The average amount pledged per donor was $111.38. Our pledges by phone totaled $973,280.57 while our web pledges totaled $48,150. We received a total of 9,170 pledges; averaging 540 pledges per day. During this drive we totaled 2,457 new pledges; a healthy 26% of all our pledges. This activity resulted in our adding 2,386 new subscribers. These financial results are generally better than traditional Spring Fund Drive revenues, especially considering the relatively short 17 day length of the drive. As you may already realize, we are continuing to solicit donations on-air by directing our listeners to the website,, where they can purchase the premiums that were offered during the drive. Finally, all of our listener-donors, phone room volunteers, hard-working personnel, on-air hosts, and participating restaurants deserve our sincere gratitude. To those of you on the board who assisted the station during the drive I would like to thank you on behalf of everyone at KPFA.
FCC Renewal Process
The license expiration date for operating KPFA and KPFB expire on December 1, 2005. This past week, on June 1st we began airing a series of pre-filing announcements for KPFA and KPFB. As required by FCC regulations these announcements air on the 1st and 16th of particular months. I have prepared a detailed memorandum outlining each step in the FCC renewal process. This material is based on the Renewal Filing Guide provided by Garvey Schubert Barer, the Washington, D.C. based law firm that represents Pacifica stations. I have been in contact with Pacifica’s engineering consultant, Don Mussell, who will be completing the environmental certification for the renewal applications. This week we will be conducting a complete inventory of KPFA’s and KPFB’s local public inspection files. By August 1, we will electronically file FCC Form 396 and Forms 303-S. On that same date we will begin airing our post-filing announcements for KPFA and KPFB. These announcements will air until October 16th. Our licenses should be granted on or slightly after December 1, 2005, unless they are contested.
As part of a coalition of listener-activist groups, such as Media Action Marin, and non-commercial public radio stations we are continuing to explore possible ways to restore FM radio reception in Marin. There was a meeting on May 4th which our Chief Engineer, Michael Yoshida, attended. At that meeting Comcast officials agreed to study the issue further and, if possible, to present an alternative approach at the next meeting. The next meeting was scheduled for June 1st but Comcast cancelled; explaining that they have not completed the internal work on how to provide FM radio service over the cable system in manner consistent with their current plan of operation. I would like to encourage each board member to participate in this effort. Our station receives about $400,000 in donations from Marin during each fund drive. As much as 50% ($200,000 per drive / $650,000 per fiscal year) could come from listeners that receive KPFA from their cable service. At a time when we face critical financial issues we must do everything possible to prevent such a significant loss to our annual revenue stream.