January 2011 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA 2011 Local Station Board
Regular in-person meeting,
January 13, 2011, 6-9 pm
Berkeley Senior Center, 1901 Hearst Avenue


Shahram Aghamir, Mal Burnstein, Pamela Drake, Anthony Fest, Sasha Futran, David Gans, Renee Geesler, Conn Hallinan, Matthew Hallinan, Cynthia Johnson, Hyun-Mi Kim, Jack Kurzweil, Henry Norr, Richard Phelps, Andrea Prichett, Laura Prives, Tracy Rosenberg, Tanya Russell, Dan Siegel, Akio Tanaka, Andrea Turner, Margy Wilkinson, Rych Withers. Also present: Craig Alderson (secretary), Barbara Whipperman (treasurer)

1.         Call to order

Meeting called to order by chair Margy Wilkinson at 6:05 pm.

2.         Roll call and excusing of members

S. Aghamir, S. Futran, H. Norr, T. Rosenberg excused without objection. (These members not present at roll call but arrived after motion to excuse.)

3.         Installation of Suzi Goldmacher and Louis Sawyer

David Saldana notified the board of his resignation in mid-December. Pursuant to the           bylaws, Suzi Goldmacher was seated as his successor. Wilkinson announced that staff representative Louis Sawyer would be seated pursuant to court order. Wilkinson             proposed not to seat Sawyer until he could be present; no objection.

4.         Approval of agenda

Item #15 (General manager’s report) moved to follow agenda approval; no objection. C.        Hallinan moved to schedule meeting calendar to 8:30 pm as timed item. Approved w/o             objection. Agenda approved as amended w/o objection.

Motion (P. Drake) that LSB resolutions be submitted to board at least 10 days prior to        meeting for distribution to LSB members and posting on web. Item moved to new     business.

5.         General Manager’s report

Incoming general manager Amit Pendyal introduced himself to board. Programming experience includes APEX Express. Primary background in human resources, India radio, Goodwill Industries. Has two masters degrees, including MBA from SFSU. Asked for support, help, guidance. Sees opportunities to move forward, including policies and procedures manual, employee handbook, etc. Technological improvement, including web development and web presence. Intends to attend every LSB meeting. Has hired new interim program director and pledged to go through regular selection procedure for hiring permanent director. Financially, KPFA in dire straits. Proposing fundraising Feb.14-Mar.16 with ambitious goal of $1 million. Hoping to organize drives better to make them more effective and send a positive message. Said he supports idea of development director. Much to be done regarding outreach. Suggested restarting KPFA newsletter, developing email base, seeking alternate sources of funding, such as grants.

6.         Public comments

Max Blanchet, Nick Alexander, Virginia Browning, Daniel Borgstrom

Motion to adjourn; approved w/o objection.

7.         Delegates Assembly call to order

Body called to order as delegates assembly for purpose of electing representatives to Pacifica national board.

8.         Confirmation of nominations received by 12/31/10

Accepting nomination: P. Drake (L), A. Fest (S), L. Prives (S), T. Rosenberg (L), D. Siegel (L), A. Tanaka (L), A. Turner (L) (Staff / Listener category indicated)

Declining nomination: S. Aghamir, S. Futran, R. Geesler, C. Hallinan, M. Hallinan, H. Norr, R. Phelps, A. Prichett

9-10.     Statements of candidates; Elections of directors

Candidates made statements. Results: Staff rep: L. Prives; Listener reps: A. Turner, T.       Rosenberg,  D. Siegel


Volunteers were solicited for Pacifica national committees. Results:




C. Johnson


B. Whipperman


H. Kim, A. Turner


R. Phelps, M. Burnstein


H. Norr


H. Kim, D. Gans


M. Wilkinson, A. Fest

Delegates Assembly adjourned w/o objection. Body reconvened as Local Station Board.

12.        Consent calendar

M. Wilkinson explained consent calendar. Items placed on consent calendar are those which are not expected to be controversial. Any member can request that an item be pulled from the consent calendar and placed in new business if a discussion and vote are desired.

13.        Approval of agenda

Previously approved under item #4.

14.        Approval of minutes.

December 4, 2010, minutes approved without amendment.

15.        Treasurer’s report (B. Whipperman)

Presented preliminary 2010 report (attached). Will have fuller report at next LSB meeting on revenue from holiday crafts fair. B. Whipperman will also try to have more information about salary savings from recent staff reductions, and on central services expenditures. A. Prichett suggested campaign for small donors. D. Gans suggested exploring fundraising via text messages.

16.        Committee reports

PNB (A. Turner, T. Rosenberg)
Most stations have elected PNB representatives. KPFK may be redoing their staff election. Members will be seated at in-person meeting in Houston, Feb. 26-27. KPFA budget approved by PNB on Nov. 15; budgets for other stations still pending. Concern employees fired with cause returning to serve on boards. D. Siegel requested that PNB representatives provide reports on forthcoming issues and seek opinions or positions from LSB.

Fundraising (A. Prichett)
Met Dec. 29. Still collecting facts. Trying to get donor list for analysis. Ideas: cultivate large donors, explore micro-fundraisers, joint fundraising with Freight and Salvage. Next meeting Jan. 19 at KPFA.

Personnel (S. Aghamir)
Job announcement for program director has been sent to general manager. Will convene another meeting soon to develop questions. Hiring for development director position has historically been purview of general manager, although there have been paid and unpaid staff hiring committees. Not certain whether those will exist for development director hiring.

Outreach (A. Prichett)
Working on “outreaching for outreachers.” About a dozen at last meeting. Exploring tabling opportunities; possible focus of farmers’ markets. Next meeting: Jan. 18, 7 pm, 2022 Blake St.

18.        KFCF report (R. Withers)
Board was re-elected (4 seats) and a vacancy was filled with Mel Sanders. Mel hosts Valley Black Talk on KFCF. KFCF and had its best year in a number of years, due to more outreach by mail for additional donations, the news stringer fund, and a successful car donation program. KFCF raised about $17,000 in car donations, with 8 vehicles ending as of Dec. 31. Revenue in 2010 was $203,000. Withers is working to share what the station is doing with KPFA. KPFA has paid October 2010 to KFCF.

19.        Old business

A.         Follow-up on motion concerning budget process
D. Siegel reviewed motion passed at last LSB meeting regarding LSB’s right to set its own budget. Pacifica counsel agreed that LSB had that right, hence no lawsuit filed.

Moved (D. Siegel) motion #1 regarding budget. Moved (M. Hallinan) to amend regarding restoration of Morning Show. Amendment approved 11Y, 9N. Amended motion approved 12Y, 9N.

20.        New business

M. Wilkinson proposed a schedule of meeting dates; adopted as amended. (See following.)

Meeting adjourned 9pm.

Respectfully submitted,
Craig Alderson, Secretary

2011 meeting schedule

All dates are Saturdays unless otherwise indicated. Meetings are scheduled for 11am – 4pm.

Feb. 12
Mar. 19
Apr. 16
May 21
June 18
July 16 (tentative)
Aug. 20
Sept. 10
Oct. 15
Nov. 19
Dec. 7 (Wed. eve)