February 2006 LSB Meeting Records

KPFA Local Station Board
2/18/2006 Meeting Minutes
11:00 AM convening
Freight & Salvage Coffee House
1111 Addison Street
Berkeley, CA

Meeting called to order at 11:12AM

Members of the Local Station Board introduced.  In attendance:

Sepideh Khoosrowjah  (SK)
Riva Enteen     (RE)
LaVarn Williams (LW)
Max Blanchet    (MxB)
Joseph Wanzala  (JW)
Marnie Tattersall  (MT)
Stan Woods      (SW)
Attilla Nagy    (AN)
Brian Edwards-Tiekert (BET)
Mary Berg   (MyB)
Richard Phelps  (RMP)
Bonnie Simmons  (BS)
Sherry Gendelman  (SG)
Howeard Beeman  (HB)
Rosalinda Palacios  (RP)
Lisa Rothman (LR)
Sarv Randhawa  (SR)
Mark Hernandez  (MH)
Willie Ratcliff   (WR)
Annie Hallatt  (AH)
William Walker  (WW)
Fadi Saba    (FS)

Members excused for absence without objection:

Debbie Speer
Chandra Hauptman
Eric Park

Review/Approve Agenda

Set GM hire resolutions from New Business to Time Sensitive (MT/FS)
Move GM hire resolutions to position #2 in Time Sensitive (SR/LR)
Substitute motion expressed
Substitute motion to move to Time Sensitive business GM hire as #1,
Delegate Election to #2, Program Council Election to #3, UPSO to #4
(MT/no second found in recording)
Chair rules to accept as appropriate
MSC/Unanimous Consent to close debate (MxB/SK)
MSC 11-10 to accept time-sensitive substitute motion, Chair breaks tie.

Motion to include 10 minutes for Executive Session to approve minutes (MB/no
Noted to be carried out at end of meeting
Second requested, second made by SG
Approved Unanimous Consent
Request by BET to make Executive Session an Order of the Day

Motion to approve agenda
MSC/Unanimous Consent

Consent Calendar

All items removed by objection

Review/Approve Minutes

No objection/Approved by Unanimous Consent

General Manager’s Report

In the absence of the General Manager, RMP had an
impromptu report.

The Pacifica National Office is currently acting
in conjunction w/three KPFA managers.

A new webmaster for KPFA.ORG is in place.

The new Executive Director is touring the Pacifica
stations, and is likely appointing interim KPFA GM
in early March.

Public Comment

Eleven speakers came before the Local Station Board.

Committee Reports

I. Program Director Hiring Committee: Report (SG)

Will meet 3/1. Committee has 74 applicants so far.

II. Outreach Committee, Town Hall report (SR)

80+ attendees reported, and the event broke even
in costs.

III. Treasurer:  Financial Report

January income statement is in, but Lois is overworked and
unable to detail extensively; surpluses likely to balance
out in next 60 days; DONATIONS line based on bequeaths;
Crafts Faire income/expenses skewed as some cash charged in
prior year budget; waiting for NTIA grant for updating
cart-play system and satellite upgrade; $15,000 from Teale
Foundation; keeping an eye on salary payouts from vacation/
special coverage issues in timekeeping; not all expected
payments from National office have been received.  Lois is
monitoring salaries in response to resignations and hires.

[Break called by Chair]

Time Sensitive Business

I. KPFA LSB MEETING TIME – MARCH:  As the Freight and Salvage is
unavailable on the 3rd Saturday of March – March 18th, and
as we have much work to be done on the agenda – we will hold
the next regular meeting of the LSB on Saturday March 11th
at 11AM. [BS]  (Applied from removal from Consent Calendar)

FS speaks to issue, amends to location at UFCW 4128 in San Jose.
May be free or deposit; sound system may be charged; free public
parking lot 3 blocks away; wi-fi hot spot nearby; no confirmation
site available; [withdraw to sense of board by RMP]

BET moves/LR seconds to tentatively set meeting 4/22 at UFCW 4128
Hall in San Jose at 11AM, and 3/11 at Freight & Salvage in Berkeley
at 11AM.  A review to see if the meeting site is available will by
made at the 3/11 meeting.

WW moves to amend to include Town Hall format in San Jose LSB
meeting site – ruled out of order by Chair

SK moves to call question, MT objects, 13-4 to close.

RPM calls vote 15-5, passes.

II. Personnel Resolutions:

A. Resolution on the formation of a GM Hire Committee [BET]
The LSB shall immediately form a GM hire committee
consisting of the following:
1. Six LSB members elected by STV
2. One department head elected by the department heads.
3. The three senior managers at KPFA (Development Director,
Business Manager, and Operations Director) who shall serve
in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity.
Candidate interviews shall be open to observation by Pacifica’s
Human Resources Director.

Substitute motion (FS/SK) to provide for committee of seven LSB
members only.

Following discussion, SK calls question, fails 11-10.

MH ruled out of order as RE is making “political statement” and
not revealing vote counts from Executive Session.  WW appeals
decision of Chair, decision upheld 11-8.

Following discussion, FS/MT call question, fails 9-11.

Following discussion, SK calls question, fails 11-8.  Due to his
engagement in discussion, RMP steps down as Chair and hands gavel
to Vice-Chair BS to continue conduct of discussion.

BET makes/LR seconds amendment proposal:  GM Hire Committee to have
six LSB members, one ex officio/non-voting department head and three
ex officio/non-voting managers, with candidate interviews open to
observation by Pacifica’s Human Resources Director.

Following discussion, LW calls question, fails 12-8.

Following discussion, FS calls question, fails 12-7.

Following discussion, MT calls question, unanimous consent, discussion

Motion fails 9-11, return to original substitute motion.

BET proposes/LR seconds amendment to add ex officio/non-voting to
department head position.  BET calls question, passes by Unanimous Consent.

Substitute motion passes 15-6 in following form:

The LSB shall immediately form a GM hire committee
consisting of the following:
1. Seven LSB members elected by STV
2. One department head elected by the department
heads in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity.
3. The three senior managers at KPFA (Development
Director, Business Manager, and Operations Director)
who shall serve in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity.
Candidate interviews shall be open to observation by Pacifica’s
Human Resources Director.

BET moves/FS seconds amendment:  No GM Hire Committee Member shall
resign to apply for the GM positions, and no GM Hire Committee Member
shall apply for the GM position.

Unanimous consent to close debate.  Unanimous consent to accept amendment.

Final substitute motion reads as follows:

The LSB shall immediately form a GM hire committee
consisting of the following:
1. Seven LSB members elected by STV
2. One department head elected by the department
heads in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity.
3. Any three senior managers at KPFA (Development Director,
Business Manager, and Operations Director) who shall \
serve in an ex-officio, non-voting capacity.
Candidate interviews shall be open to observation by Pacifica’s
Human Resources Director.   No Committee Member, after participating
in the hiring process, shall resign to apply for the GM position, and
no Committee member shall apply for the GM position.

Vote to make substitute motion as amended the main motion passes 17-2.

Vote to adopt substitute motion as amended passes 20-1.

Immediate vote to seat GM Hire Committee; persons elected by STV are:


III. Election of Delegates to Pacifica National Board Committees [RP]:

NOTE FROM SECRETARY:  These election results were determined the day
after the LSB meeting and reported by the Chair
via e-mail to the LSB on 2/19/2006.

First positions are elected.
Names following the “=” are next in line/alternates.

Elect 2 Delegates to Governance
Elected:        MH RMP
Elect 2 Delegates to Audit
Elected:        MH MT
Elect 2 Delegates to Programming
Elected:        BS AN = SW AH
Elect 2 Delegates to Technology
Elected:        AN HB = SG MH
Elect 2 Delegates to Elections
Elected:        RMP MyB = SW MH
Elect 2 Delegates to Archives
Elected:        FS BS = SG AH
Elect 2 Delegates to Affiliates
Elected:        WW CH = AH/RE(tied) AN
Elect 1 Director/Delegate and 3 Delegates
to Committee of Inclusion
Elected:        MyB  CH WW SW = MH


Meeting adjourned due to time limit of location @ 4:20PM.