Bay Area Theater

Theatre in the Time of Covid: Bill English, San Francisco Playhouse

This is the fourth in a series of interviews about theatre companies during the year of Covid.

Bill English and Susi Damilano

Bill English is the Artistic Director and co-founder (with Susi Damilano) of San Francisco Playhouse, which had to shut down its theater near Union Square, in the Kensington Park Hotel on Post Street, in March while ready for tech rehearsals for their next show.

Since then, the company has had to come up with ways to stay alive — and as with most companies, turned to streaming, first with a series of interviews about theatre, and then with Zoomlets, short plays heard as readings every Monday. Both interviews and most zoomlets are now available on the SF Playhouse website.

More recently, SF Playhouse has devised three-play virtual seasons, one in the winter (The Jewelry Box with Brian Copeland closes December 25, 2020 and Songs for a New World closes December 31, 2020) and the next, featuring world premieres comes on line in sequence in February, 2021.