Shane Burley on Trumpism, Nativism, & Mass Antifascism

In this episode, we talk with antifascist author and organizer Shane Burley, who has just released a new book, Fascism Today: What It Is, and How to End ItWe spend the majority of the hour looking back on both the first year of the Trump administration as well as the far-Right, with Burley arguing that Trump will continue to push for some version of the Muslim bad, mass deportations, and the building of a wall along the Mexican border to satisfy his base.

In regards to the far-Right and the Alt-Right, Burley pulls from history to explain that similar splits as we are currently seeing have happened in the past over the same conditions and questions of violence, class, ideology, and organization. Lastly, we discuss ideas for growing and fostering a mass antiracist movement that can take on structural white supremacy as well as its auxiliary enforcers.

We then turn towards the ‘reactionary nihilism’ of some Trump supporters, as well as the snake-oil of both white nationalism and liberal identity politics. Shane touches on the need to reach out and build common bonds with people in rural areas, as well as the ways in which groups like the 3%ers already have a head start in building dual power in places like Oregon due to the lack of State services.

We also discuss building strong movements beyond just focusing on countering marginal far-Right groups, talk about the reality of Nativists in the White House, as well as organizing against the Alt-Right on campus as a means of mass mobilization.

More Info: Shane Burley and Fascism Today

Music: Murs and Sick Jacken