Waah! Waah! (bonobo calls) says Sally Coxe, Caroline’s guest, at this dark of the Moon at the Dark of the Year…a powerful time for radio magic. How shall we become more like what we love whereby to protect as much life as possible, to protect the Bonobos and their forest in the Congo…
Honoring our Yearning for the animistic participatory embrace…
“At current rates of deforestation, the Congo rainforest will be gone by 2100. And if that year seems to be in the distant future, consider that many of today’s kindergarteners will still be alive to see this complete destruction of what is currently the second largest rainforest on the planet. The good news? You can change the outcome.
With nearly nine million acres already under protection and two million more on the way, the Bonobo Peace Forest provides real solutions.Your support keeps the Bonobo Peace Forest growing.
Our integrative approach addresses human needs and conservation needs simultaneously, providing a sustainable alternative to the human activities that drive the widespread deforestation we see today. As more and more communities are getting inspired to join the Peace Forest, we are moving ever closer to a future in which bonobos—and their human neighbors—not only survive, but thrive.”