KPFA Presents

Personal Story: Cari Herthel Tribal Vice Chair, The Esselen Tribe of Monterey County: on Intersections of Trafficking and Foster Care

Restoring Justice for Indigenous Peoples, hosted a 4 series panel between March to May 2022,  on ‘The intersections of Trafficking & Missing and Murdered Indigenous Women, Girls, and Two Spirit People (MMIWG2)’ (MMIWG2 now known as Missing and Murdered Indigenous People MMIP)

Listen to Cari Herthel Tribal Vice Chair, The Esselen Tribe of Monterey County was part of the panel. Cari was trafficked by family, then put into foster care, and subsequently trafficked herself later on in life to get by. She sees, telling her story as medicine and healing.* We have compiled this as a short story with permission of the panel producer, Morning Star Gali. Cari talks about her life from a baby to a full circle, the now. It is a compilation/snippets of her talking across the 3 different days of the series, edited and mixed by Falcon to maintain integrity of her story.

*The story is fully introduced and credited, plus a full song by Calina Lawrence is included at the end, with permission by Calina. Calina provides the music bedding under the narration as well.


Please be advised that the content can be triggering and may be difficult to hear.

This story is a part of hour long radio program “KPFA’S 2022 INDIGENOUS PEOPLE’S DAY SPECIAL” which airs on 94.1 FM KPFA Berkeley and online at, Monday October 10th, 2022 at 8 am PST and again at 3 PM PST. You can also listen to the full program here on KPFA’s presents.

** Please note that also on Monday October 10th, there is the Annual Broadcast LIVE from the Alcatraz Indigenous People’s Day Gathering starting at 5:30 am PST.

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