Mutual Aid Disaster Relief on Building Dual Power & Upcoming Tour

In this episode of the IGDcast, we spoke with someone involved in Mutual Aid Disaster Relief (MAD), which is a network of volunteers who are engaged in autonomous, grassroots, and horizontally organized disaster relief. We interviewed someone from MAD last year in the wake of hurricane Maria in September, after they had built a community center, free medical clinic, and a network of food and resource distribution into neighborhoods often not visited by the Red Cross and other bureaucratic and corporate NGOs. This time around, we talk about what has happened since, and also about their upcoming tour across the US.

Since last we talked, people in MAD have also went on to organize and support disaster relief efforts happening in Puerto Rico, where over 1,000 people have died in the wake of hurricane Irma, and many parts of the island still are without fresh drinking water and power. In Puerto Rico, MAD volunteers have worked to support the Centers of Mutual Aid, various food distribution projects, and the creation of solar and water treatment infrastructure.

In the interview we talk talk about all of these things and more, as well as what the future holds in terms of continued climate change and mounting natural disasters. With this in mind, members of MAD are launching a tour of parts of the US in order to share their skills and knowledge about autonomous disaster relief in the face of catastrophe.

The work that MAD has done over the past year has been inspiring: keeping their anarchist and autonomous politics front and center while also helping to build up dual power in the face of crumbling capitalist infrastructure and rapid climate crisis. With hurricane season again only a few months away, the need to prepare ourselves and share these resources is needed now more than ever.

More Info: MAD Tour Listings, MAD Instagram, and MAD on Twitter

Mutual Aid Disaster Relief Tour

March 2018

Details TBA

Find out more

May 2018