Education of The Black Child

Critical Race Theory with Dr. Sumi Cho

We speak with Sumi Cho Ph.D about the disinformation campaign around critical race theory. 

Sumi Cho Ph.D came out of retirement to serve as the Director of Strategic Initiatives
leading the #TruthBeTold campaign. Prior to joining AAPF, she taught Critical Race Theory and Race, Racism & U.S. Law for twenty-five years along with other traditional law classes at DePaul University College of Law in Chicago. In 2017, she was awarded the university’s highest excellence in teaching award. She was also the inaugural recipient of the Derrick A. Bell Distinguished Service award from the Association of American Law Schools’ Minority Section.

She speaks nationally on issues of affirmative action, sexual harassment, intersectionality, multiracial politics and coalitions and critical theory. She holds a Ph.D.
in Ethnic Studies as well as a J.D. from the University of California at Berkeley. Professor Cho is cited extensively for her scholarship on critical race theory and intersectionality.