The Talkies

Living Room – Cali budget; Labor Fest; Dave Zirin

Crisis is opportunity, they say, and California's budget crisis has the S.F. city assessor actually doing something about Prop. 13.  We get the details.  One of the largest celebrations of labor in America starts today in SF.  PLUS: the inimitable sportswriter Dave Zirin, in SF for "Socialism 2009".  Say what?  With host Kris Welch.

guests: Phil Ting, assessor, City of San Francisco

        Roxanne Dunbar-Ortiz, feminist, revolutionary (she worked with SDS, Weather Underground, ANC, etc.), historian (professor emeritus Ethnic Studies, Cal State Hayward), author (Red Dirt: Growing Up Okie; Outlaw Woman; Blood on the Border)

        Dave Zirin, sportswriter (the Nation, the Progressive, LA Times, etc.); author (What's My Name, Fool? Welcome to the Terrordrome; A People's History of Sports in the United States)


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