

When: July 21, 2024

20240721 20240721 America/Los_Angeles WIM HOF METHOD FUNDAMENTALS WORKSHOP

A Wim Hof Fundamentals Workshop takes place on Sunday, July 21, from noon to 4pm.
The workshop includes: Hot Pilates, Wim Hof Method Breathwork, Vegetarian lunch, Ice Baths, and Taiko drums on the beach.
You can put yourself in the hands of level 2 certified instructor John Whitaker to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method:

-Breathing Technique

-Cold Exposure 


The instruction takes place at Sanga Hot Yoga, located at 35 West Manor Drive in Pacifica.

For more information, or tickets, go to [email protected].

A Wim Hof Fundamentals Workshop takes place on Sunday, July 21, from noon to 4pm.

The workshop includes: Hot Pilates, Wim Hof Method Breathwork, Vegetarian lunch, Ice Baths, and Taiko drums on the beach.

You can put yourself in the hands of level 2 certified instructor John Whitaker to learn the 3 pillars of the Wim Hof Method:

-Breathing Technique

-Cold Exposure


The instruction takes place at Sanga Hot Yoga, located at 35 West Manor Drive in Pacifica.

For more information, or tickets, go to the website: [email protected].