President Bush’s nominee for U.N. ambassador is depicted at a senate hearing as a bully who tried to force an analyst to bend intelligence on Cuba’s weapons to fit a speech he was giving. Despite that, John Bolton is expected to win confirmation
John Negroponte assures a senate committee he will deliver the unvarnished truth to policy makers as the country’s first intelligence czar…some lawmakers and human rights groups say he covered up human rights abuses while U.S. ambassador to Honduras…
A state assembly committee approves legislation that would allow terminally ill patients to end their lives with a doctor’s assistance.. disability rights groups are among those opposing the bill…
Chinese immigrant garment workers in San Francisco protest the loss of jobs they say are being outsourced to China.
The average corporate CEO made nearly ten million dollars last year, up 12 percent from the previous year…while workers wages fall relative to inflation…
And on another bloody day for Iraqi civilians…defense secretary Donald Rumsfeld continues his whirlwind visit, urging no purges of security officers who served under Saddam Hussein…