7:00 am
Burma Human Rights. Aung Din, policy director, United States Campaign for Burma; Nyunt Than, General Secretary for the Burmese American Democratic Alliance.
7:30 am
Supporting Civilian Victims of War. Dr. Gino Strada, founder of Emergency: Life Support for Civilian Victims of War, and author of Green Parrots: A War Surgeon’s Diary. www.emergencyusa.org; Jim Jennings, founder and president of Conscience International.
8:00 am
Reyna Cowan on film: Walk on Water, San Francisco Asian American Film Festival www.naatanet.org; The film "Sorceress of the New Piano"
Margaret Lang Tan, pianist, and Evans Chan, director.
8:30 am
Blues and the Women Who Sing Them. Buzzy Jackson, author of A Bad Woman Feeling Good.