Legislation for universal health insurance to cover all Californians that would save 25 billion dollars in the first year …it would create a
single-payer health care system for the state similar to the one
in Canada….
Berkeley officials file suit against the University of California’s
expansion plans in the city…….the action charges that U.C. did not
properly evaluate the impact of the 15-year construction plan for a new building
Oakland school administrator Randolph Ward proposes the elimination of the school district’s entire adult education program…. it serves some 30-thousand students, the majority of them immigrants
Berkeley teachers with a work-to-rule slow down…. .they’ve been without a union contact for two years
Activists in West Contra Costa county launch their final push for tough
regulation of refinery flares
Palestinian prime minister Qurie wins lawmakers’ support for his new
cabinet by meeting their demands for more reformers and fewer Arafat loyalists