California Secretary of State Kevin Shelley resigns …Shelley has been
under fire for his administration of federal election funds and questionable campaign contributions. . . .. .Republican governor Arnold Schwarzenegger will name a successor but his choice could be vetoed by the Democratically-controlled legislature
In Iraq the slate endorsed by Iraq’s top Shiite clerics appears headed for a
big electoral victory …the united Iraqi alliance is piling up two thirds
of the votes …the ticket headed by the U.S.-installed prime minister is
winning under 20 percent. . .in the north, charges of voter fraud and Sunni
Arabs and Turkmen say they won’t recognize the results
Congressional Republicans rush to pass a business-backed bill to curb class
action lawsuits. . . . .. .its part of the G.O.P agenda for so-called tort reform
that includes immunizing companies from lawsuits for asbestos contamination
and limiting medical malpractice awards
Veteran actor and civil rights activist Ossie Davis dies. ….Davis – 87
years old — is found dead in his Florida hotel room this morning
The inspector general of the Environmental Protection Agency says the agency
overlooked health effects and sided with the electric industry in developing
rules for cutting toxic mercury pollution
The Oakland city council approves a 14 5-thousand dollar payment to
anti-war activists injured by police actions at a demonstration at the port
of Oakland