Alberto Gonzales is confirmed by the Senate as Attorney General despite
The Democrats charges that he helped foster policies that led to U.S. torture of
foreign prisoners….. .the vote was 60 to 36 for the first Latino ever to
hold the job
The first partial returns from Iraq’s national election. . . . . .as expected
the slate backed by Shiite cleric grand Ayatollah Ali Al-Sistani is
leading.. ….the ticket headed by Iraq’s interim prime minister is far back
in second
A decorated Marine Corp general describing the fighting in Afghanistan and
Iraq says it’s fun to shoot some people. ….he receives counseling but no
President Bush barnstorming in five states to push his plan to privatize
Social Security, outlined last night in his state of the union address
California treasurer Phil Angelides says governor Arnold Schwarzenegger’s
plan to privatize California’s public pension systems is a major attack on
the nation’s corporate reform movement
Union officials and students fume over more than two million dollars
handed out by cash-strapped university of California to Medical school