Sunday Salon

Sunday Salon – July 11, 2004

First Hour:
Feeling the Heat:
Fahrenheit 9/11, Truth, and Propaganda

Guests: Dale Maharidge, Columbia University School of Journalism, author, Homeland ((Seven Stories Press); Robert Terrell, professor, Communications Department, California State University, Hayward; Mark Crispin Miller, professor, Media Studies, NYU, author, Cruel and Unusual: Bush/Cheney’s New World Order (Norton) (tentative).

Second Hour:
The Face of the Streets:
Analyzing, and Photographing, the Homeless.

Guests: Angela Alioto, former president, San Francisco Board of Supervisors, chair, mayor’s committee on homeless; Dr. Robert Terrell (continues from first hour), photographer. (Note: Dr. Terrell’s photographs of homeless people in San Francisco are on exhibit at the Meridian Gallery, 545 Sutter St. San Francisco, through August 15.

Note: Phone-ins and e-mails welcome both hours!
[email protected]

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