APEX Express

APEX Express – May 13, 2004

A Japanese American bazaar and benefit keep communities alive through music. Dynamic drummer Kenny Endo talks about his show at the The Satsuki Arts Festival. He also plays with June Kuramoto of the group Hiroshima in an event that benefits an ailing public school music program. Plus, learn how globalization and genetic engineering plant seeds of violence in the world. Activist Vandana Shiva’s talk also addresses the solutions and outlook of rural Indians in response to overwhelming greed from agribusiness and monoplies. Plus, a young Laotian woman talks about her journey documented in "Death of A Shaman". The film charts her visit to Laos and attempts at understanding her father’s drug-related death, sister’s murder and the struggle to re-build a broken family. "Death of A Shaman" airs in May on public TV presented by ITVS and NAATA. Plus music, calendar and more. Lastly, please Call-in Your Donation During Apex as part of KPFA’s fund-drive! Give-ways during the Show for a pledge of support, include: tickets, DVDs and CDs all related to the above. Your donations really do count towards helping Apex and KPFA stay on air…..

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