Hard Knock Radio

Fund Drive Special: Capitalism DVD, six-part series by ILan Ziv

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We present audio from the six-part series, Capitalism by Ilan Ziv. Capitalism has been the engine of unprecedented economic growth and social transformation. With the fall of the communist states and the triumph of “neo- liberalism,” capitalism is by far the world’s dominant ideology. But how much do we understand about how it originated, and what makes it … Continued

Ayn Rand’s novels The Fountainhead and Atlas Shrugged have been called gateway drugs to rightwing ideas for so many Americans. And while the works of the writer and philosopher have seen a resurgence since the global economic crisis, her influence has been undeniably huge and sustained since those books were originally published in mid-century. Historian … Continued


Buddhist Economics!

The biggest problems the modern world faces—inequality and climate change—are twins, says Dr. Clair Brown. The looming catastrophe they pose is firmly linked to free market economics. She suggests a better way. Hosted by Kris Welch.