The U.S. appears to be attempting a coup in Venezuela: what’s really happening there? PLUS: an anniversary is building toward celebration—the Venceremos Brigade is 50! With host Kris Welch.

In 2009, the mainstream, but democratically-elected government of Honduras was overthrown in a coup that was backed by the United States.  Probably no surprise there: the US has a long history of supporting repressive regimes in that country.  But what was surprising, medical anthropologist Adrienne Pine argues, was the response of the until-then fairly quiescent … Continued

On Friday, the whole world was abuzz about what was happening in Turkey and whether there was a coup underway. A few short hours later, President Erdogan, ironically using the same methods he had denounced for years when used against him, beseeched his supporters to “Go to the streets and give them your answer!” And that is … Continued