Sunday Sedition

Sunday Sedition – January 17, 2010

Guest Host Sally Phillips will speak with WPA historian, Harvey Smith about California's WPA and its upcoming 75th Anniversary, and in the 2nd hour, Hebrew scribe Julie Selzer will discuss the Torah project she is working on at San Francisco's Contemporary Jewish Museum.

Sunday Sedition

Sunday Sedition – January 3, 2010

If you don’t like the news, go out and make some of your own. That’s what Scoop Nisker will do this Sunday morning on Sunday morning with his guests Jerry Mander, noted author and long time director of the International Forum on Globalization, and, in the second hour, Jack Kornfield, author, Buddhist meditation teacher and … Continued

Sunday Sedition

Sunday Sedition – Seattle and Copenhagen

A look at the 10th anniversary of the protests against the World Trade Organization in Seattle — and a look ahead to protests to force governments to address seriously global warming at December's UN climate conference in Copenhagen.  With guest host Sasha Lilley.  

Sunday Sedition

Sunday Sedition with Andrea Lewis – November 8, 2009

Elen Shaffer and listeners comment on the House health care reform bill; Author Barbara Ehrenreich on the down-side of positive thinking; The Nation’s John Nichols on Fort Hood, and Obama’s election one year later; Kevin Danaher talks Green; Krissy Keefer of Dance Brigade interprets the Tibetan Book of the Dead

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