Hard Knock Radio

Coronavirus Capitalism

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We are potentially entering a period of austerity in the US at a level not seen since the Great Depression. By mid-April, over 22 million people had filed for unemployment benefits. And its unclear whether jobs and businesses that people left behind will still be there once stay-at-home orders are lifted. The world as we … Continued

0:08 – New federal COVID-19 relief package Dean Baker (@DeanBaker13) is senior economist at the Center for Economic and Policy Research. 0:34 – Local journalism in crisis Paul Cobb is the publisher and editor of the Post News Group (@PostNewsGroup), which includes eight newspapers, and one Spanish language paper, El Mundo, serving Bay Area minority … Continued

0:08 – Trump blocks new green cards, vowing an “end to immigration” Alma Maquitico is co-director of the National Network for Immigrant and Refugee Rights (@NNIRRnetwork).  0:20 – Megadrought in the western US? Jason Smerdon is a Research Professor at Columbia’s  Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, he co-author of a new report in Science warning a megadrought … Continued

0:08 – Who’s behind the protests against shelter-in-place? Jason Wilson (@jason_a_w) is a journalist covering right-wing groups and white nationalist violence, usually for the Guardian. His latest piece is ‘The rightwing groups behind wave of protests against Covid-19 restrictions.’ 0:34 – What’s happening with testing? Ask a scientist. Gregg Gonsalves (@gregggonsalves) is the co-director of … Continued

We continue our conversation with Dr. Armen Henderson, an African-American doctor in Miami who was handcuffed outside his home while preparing for a volunteer shift to help protect homeless people from the spread of COVID-19. The encounter has sparked widespread outrage, and Miami’s police chief has now tested positive for COVID-19 and is in self-isolation. Dr Henderson … Continued