May 6 2020



“Are you behind on your rent? Are you worried about your housing situation or about being evicted during the Coronavirus emergency? Well! Did you know the County of Alameda passed strong protections to stop most evictions throughout the entire county! The new moratorium protects tenants in Alameda county during and after the emergency. If you...

0:08 – California Attorney General Xavier Becerra files lawsuit against Gig employers for misclassification of employees. Brian Chen is staff attorney at the National Employment Law Project (@NelpNews), focusing on independent contractors and gig workers. 0:20 – This morning, the US Supreme Court is hearing opening arguments today on whether employers can claim religious or … Continued


Cinco de Mayo 2020

Today on the Show: A special meaning for Cinco de Mayo in the middle of the pandemic. Also we’ll hear about a mission of mercy and social justice in San Francisco’s Mission district. We’ll feature a Cinco de Mayo commentary from our own Miguel Gavilan Molina. And Trump plots to overthrow the Venezuelan Government while … Continued

May Day Coverage on KPFA

May Day events this year took place against a backdrop of the burgeoning COVID-19 crisis, a growing numbers of strikes and job actions, and deepening inequality. Here at KPFA, our various programs have been documenting the evolving social movements which have risen up to meet the new normal as well as how front line communities … Continued

Sunday Show

Sunday Show – May 3, 2020

  In the first hour “ Covid Down on the Farm” with David Bacon, photojournalist and author. In the second hour “Capitalism on the Rocks” Dean Baker, Senior EconomistaAt the Center for Economic and Policy Research


Flashpoints May Day Special

Today on the Show: We take a deep dive into Trump’s push to pump up the guest worker program while slashing immigration. Also, Filipino nurses on the frontline of this COVID pandemic, demanding protection and respect. we’ll rebroadcast our Story on the abuse of meat packers at a Smithfield Foods Pork Plant. And Norman Solomon … Continued