Womens Magazine

Womens Magazine – May 11, 2020

Monday May 11th, in the third month of this pandemic, KPFA Radio’s Women’s Magazine brings you the voices of people who are responding to this pandemic with both healing and vital information. One such local Organization we are blessed to help support us in these trying times is Thrive East Bay which is a new … Continued

The Hear and Now

The Hear and Now – May 7, 2020

this episode is no longer available

Tonight’s show, recorded by host Derk Richardson at home in Oakland, includes musical ruminations about circumstances with which we are coping during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the sense of isolation and the passing on of friends, relatives, and assorted beloved sentient beings. Music by John Lennon, Donovan, Jesse Winchester, Laurie Anderson, Tom Rozum and Laurie … Continued

The Hear and Now – A special newly pre-recorded edition – 10 p.m., Thursday, May 7, 2020

Tonight’s show, recorded by host Derk Richardson at home in Oakland, includes musical ruminations about circumstances with which we are coping during the COVID-19 pandemic, including the sense of isolation and the passing on of friends, relatives, and assorted beloved sentient beings. Music by John Lennon, Donovan, Jesse Winchester, Laurie Anderson, Tom Rozum and Laurie … Continued

May 6 2020


Asistencia de Centro Legal


“¿Está usted atrasado en su renta?¿Está usted preocupado por su situación de vivienda o por ser desalojado durante el estado de emergencia debido al Coronavirus? ¿Sabía que el Condado de Alameda aprobó fuertes protecciones para detener la mayoría de los desalojos en todo el condado? La nueva moratoria protege a todos los inquilinos en el...