March 2004 LSB Meeting Records

Minutes KPFA Local Station Board Meeting March 27th, 2004 Freight and Salvage Coffee House, Berkeley Minutes were recorded by Mary Bishop, KPFA Administrative Assistant. Members present constituting a quorum: Riva Enteen (Chair), Ted Friedman, Sarv Randhawa, Bonnie Simmons, Miguel Molina, Steve Conley, Ann Hallett, Gerald Sanders, LaVarn Williams, Lisa Rothman, Marnie Tattersall, Mark Hernandez, Debbie … Continued

Special Broadcast

– March 20, 2004

10-1 pm PST: Pacifica Radio broadcasts live from Fayetteville North Carolina, home of Fort Bragg, where military veterans and families will lead a demonstration of unprecedented size in a military town, Crawford, Texas, the hometown of President Bush, and mass demonstrations in New York City. Veteran journalists Verna Avery-Brown and Larry Bensky will co-host live … Continued

The Morning Show

The Morning Show – March 18, 2004

7:00 amBrian Edwards-Tiekert of the KPFA News Department with the third part of a four part Series on Air Quality in the San Joaquin Valley. 7:15 amGlobal Day of Action, Saturday March 20th. Nancy Mitchell, organizer for International Answer, Jeff Ghannam, President of the San Francisco Chapter of the American-Arab Anti-discrimination Committee, and Andrea Buffa … Continued


Flashpoints – March 17, 2004

Today on Flashpoints, we present a breaking story on false translation of what the US embassy called Jean Bertrand Aristide’s resignation; we continue our coverage of pro-democracy activists now in hiding in Haiti facing beatings, torture, prison and assassination; a massive car-bombing of a downtown Baghdad Hotel kills more than 25 and wounds scores. We’ll … Continued


Flashpoints – March 12, 2004

Two pro-democracy activists are killed and seven wounded in a mass protest calling for the restoration of democracy in Haiti and the return of President Aristide; A special report from the ground on today’s killings; Continued coverage of pro-democracy activists under attack or in hiding from US-sponsored military death squads; We hear from the Mayor … Continued

Making Contact

Making Contact – March 12, 2004

War Against Women, Women Against War: A Report Back From the World Social Forum Violence against women manifests in both overt and covert forms: from rape used as a war tactic to women themselves participating in violence. On this edition of Making Contact, we feature three leading feminists: Egyptian sociologist Nawal El Saadawi, activist and … Continued


Flashpoints – March 11, 2004

Two pro-democracy activists are killed and seven wounded in a mass protest calling for the restoration of democracy in Haiti, and the return of President Aristide; We’ll feature a special report from the ground on today’s killings; We’ll also continue our coverage of pro-democracy activists under attack or in hiding from US-sponsored military death squads; … Continued


Flashpoints – March 8, 2004

Today on Flashpoints, we continue our drumbeat coverage of the situation in Haiti as the violent, US-backed coup surges into another week. We hear the words of a twelve year-old Haitian girl in hiding from the death squads; Flashpoints correspondent Kevin Pina returns with an on-the- ground report; We go to the Central African Republic … Continued

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