The Morning Mix


The Morning Mix – WorkWeek

A  look at the 8th strike against the Sutter Medical chain by members of the California  Nurses Association CNA. The strike starts on the morning of the 24th at Peralta Bates hospital and other Sutter facilities in Northern California. The non-profit hospital chain is seeking major cutbacks in healthcare for nurses and attacks on patient care at the same time that executives are making millions.
The dangerous epidemic of bullying in the City and County of San Francisco as well as the San Francisco Unified School District. Why are workplace bullies having free rein in  the workplace and being defended by some city and school managers and politicians?

WorkWeek look at the growing dangers for workers and the public at the San Onofre Nuclear Power Plant. Southern California Edison wants to layoff 50% of the workers and restart the broken down plant despite protests of the union, whistleblowers and the community.
Finally, the calendar of labor events for the coming week.
WorkWeek Radio [email protected]

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