Radio Chronicles

Radio Chronicles – January 28, 2007

What Can I Say?

What does it mean to be U. S. American? Today Safi wa Nairobi hosts the Radio Chronicles, presenting What Can I Say?, a radio documentary produced by Sara Fishko for WNYC’s Whose Democracy is It?. This show looks at patriotism and dissent in mass culture, particularly in song and music, humour, television and film. What Can I Say? The Culture of Patriotism and Dissent, begins with an examination of social criticism in song and music…

Hear how people such as Producer Danny Goldberg, composer, George M. Cohan and singer/actor Paul Robeson combine political content in music. Then, listen as comedians Mort Sahl, Tom Smothers and Aaron McGruder share their stories. Today’s show also looks at social consciousness in film, like The Marx Brothers’ Duck Soup, Mr. Smith Goes to Washington, directed by Frank Capra, John Ford’s The Grapes of Wrath, and Waldo Salt’s adaption of Nathaniel West’s novella, Coming Home. It’s What Can I Say? today on the Radio Chronicles with host Safi wa Nairobi.

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