The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – December 9, 2004

Iraq’s Shiite community presents a unified slate of 228 candidates for next
month’s parliamentary elections. . . . . .a congressional committee to
investigate alleged harassment of defense intelligence agency
investigators probing prisoner abuse in Iraq.. .an affidavit from a terror
suspect at Guantanamo details beatings being administered there… .and a
former CIA operative sues, saying he was fired for refusing to dole out
misinformation about Iraq’s weapons systems

Canada’s supreme court rules that same sex marriage is constitutional,
clearing the way for the federal government to legalize gay unions

The California labor federation throws its weight behind northern California
grocery workers embroiled in increasingly contentious contract talks with
supermarket chains

Graduate student teaching assistants at California State University
campuses stage a one day strike

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