The Pacifica Evening News, Weekdays

The KPFA Evening News, Weekdays – July 20, 2004

A day after Democrats take Governor Schwarzenegger to task for calling them "girlie men", the democratic assembly leader says there may be a break in the 20 day old budget

Sacramento Federal Judge Thelton Henderson threatens to put the State’s
prison system into receivership.. He says that a prison guard contract
renegotiated by Governor Schwarzenegger harms reform efforts.

Senate Democrats block a Bush Administration judicial nominee, who once worked for mining and cattle interests, from becoming a federal appeals judge,

By a lopsided vote, the United Nations General Assembly demands that
Israel obey a world court ruling and tear down its West Bank Barrier

Militants free Filipino truck driver after the Philippines government bows
to their demands for an immediate troop withdrawal.. .Japan is warned to
pullout its forces

Some 100 highland hospital healthcare workers protest planned cuts in the
Alameda County Medical Center emergency rooms

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